Dear Parents:
We are excited for you and your child at this time in their life! We are also excited to be a part of the process of assisting you in preparing your child for these very important Sacraments.
As a parent, you are the most important part of your child’s faith formation throughout their entire childhood. Our parish is happy to assist you as you help form your child’s faith.
We ask that we work together in these ways: Please take your child to Mass each weekend, whether it is here or another Catholic church out of town. Children learn what is important more by what they see both their father and mother do more than by what they say. Also, Mass attendance bestows graces and teaches our children about Jesus, community and forgiveness in ways which can’t be duplicated elsewhere.
Please ensure that your child regularly attends religious education class and please review the material at home. Important concepts are covered at EVERY session and your child will miss material needed for his/her understanding of the sacraments. If for some reason your child cannot regularly attend class, please speak with a member of the religious education team as soon as possible.
Please make every effort to attend the parent meetings and retreats which will be offered this year. These are designed to help you as an adult, understand these sacraments more fully, to help you understand your child’s faith development, and to help you develop your child’s faith life.
Please pray with your child on a daily basis, helping them to memorize and understand the meaning of the prayers assigned for this year. Your daily efforts now will help your child have a meaningful prayer life as he/she grows older.
We ask that parents please mark your calendars with all of the dates so that we can avoid schedule conflicts.
Please be assured, if we can assist you in anyway please don’t hesitate to let our religious education staff know. We can help with Bibles, books, take home material and other resources to assist you at home.
Please use our parish website for information such as: online forms, schedules, calendars, prayers, online giving, and much more information. Should you have any questions regarding our program or preparing your child for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, please contact us at your earliest convenience.
Who may be in preparation class for First Reconciliation/First Communion?
What does the Church ask of you?